Awesome and thank you for this platform Aseel, this will be a fun ride especially for us self-taught designers/stylists.
First off, Nice to meet you all! I am Kisha and I just recently went public with my services and have landed 2 Full eDesign projects so far.
The idea/concept for my very first project is below: [if you click on the image, it will take you to my reVeal video for this project which includes 3 cool ideas the client picked from]
Here are some before/after for the same project "the SELF-CLEANING DREAM MACHINE". I am looking for honest feedback on the layout I used for the before-after images...not sure which presentation is better visually. The GIF or still image as well as the flow of the layout. This project which was a complete gut remodel with not much wiggle room for moving plumbing or electrical new locations due to budget and main desire of having full wall-to-wall tile in this space [took most of the budget] was funnnnnn! If you would like to peel at the final reVealed project after the demo and such THE JOURNEY reVEALED video
Also, just this past month I FINALLY made my website public...eek 🙃😳 have a peek here ➡️
Thank you again for allowing us to do this Aseel...Greatly appreciate any and allow critiques
Awesome !!!! Beautiful transformation. It feels so big and bright and airy !